Our CSA Program
Our 2025 CSA shares are available for new member sign-ups!
You can purchase directly in our online store. Please reach out via email with any questions.
A CSA membership means you purchase a share of our harvest for the entire 20-week season. Each farm’s CSA program is different, so while the CSA Information is long, please take time to read it thoroughly (CSA Information link above). We want you to be pleased with your CSA membership, so it is important that you understand how our CSA works before you finalize your application.
Once you have read all about us, and what to expect from the CSA season, it is very simple to become a member:
a) Choose your membership and pickup day.
b) Add on additional share items – Milk or Cut Your Own Flowers
Shared Risk
There is an important concept woven into the CSA model that takes the arrangement beyond the usual commercial transaction. That is the notion of shared risk. When originally conceived, the CSA was set up differently than it is now. A group of people pooled their money, bought a farm, hired a farmer, and each took a share of whatever the farm produced for the year. If the farm had a tomato bonanza, everyone put some up for winter. If a plague of locusts ate all the greens, people ate cheese sandwiches. Very few such CSAs exist today, and for most farmers, the CSA is just one of the ways their produce is marketed. They may also go to the farmers market, do some wholesale, sell to restaurants, etc. Still, the idea that "we're in this together" remains. On some farms it is stronger than others, and CSA members may be asked to sign a policy form indicating that they agree to accept without complaint whatever the farm can produce.
Many times, the idea of shared risk is part of what creates a sense of community among members, and between members and the farmers. If a hailstorm takes out all the peppers, everyone is disappointed together, and together cheer on the winter squash and broccoli. Most CSA farmers feel a great sense of responsibility to their members, and when certain crops are scarce, they make sure the CSA gets served first. Still, it is worth noting that very occasionally things go wrong on a farm – like they do in any kind of business – and the expected is not delivered, and members feel shortchanged.
In our experience, if the situation seems regrettable but reasonable – a bad thing that in good faith could have happened to anyone – most CSA members will rally, if they already know and trust the farmer. These people are more likely to take the long view, especially if they have received an abundance of produce in the past. They are naturally more likely to think, "It'll be better next year," than are new members who have nothing to which to compare a dismal experience. The take-home message is this: if the potential for "not getting your money's worth" makes you feel anxious, then shared risk may not be for you and you should shop at the farmers market.
(From Local Harvest http://www.localharvest.org/csa/)
Comments from Our CSA Members:
"I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this CSA. The produce is so delicious and plentiful! One of the best parts is meeting the family and getting such a warm welcome every week."
"Some of my favorite things: the melons, the tomatoes, the garlic, strawberries and blueberries, all of the fall veggies and the corn, yum!! The swap box! I will definitely continue next season."
“Lansing's farm has been a jewel in this neighborhood for generations. The CSA is wonderful, providing just picked fresh vegetables and fruit for a reasonable cost. I really enjoy my weekly visit to pick up my share and am often tempted to purchase additional plant products from the store. Not to mention all the tempting bakery goods! The Lansing family are welcoming and gracious and really seem to enjoy partnering with the community for the CSA.”